Forensic Science!

This blog is all about forensics. Everything from fingerprinting to drug analysis. This is displayed for a project, and should be accurate, if not, let me know and I will fix it. Hope this is of some use to you. (:

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Analysis of hairs and fibers

Hairs and fibers are analyzed similarly. Both are looked at under a microscope to determine the type. Hairs need to be determined if they are human or animal. If human, it needs to be determined what ethnicity, whether it is colored, whether it is synthetic, and if it has the follicle still attached. If the follicle is attached there might be a chance for DNA evidence. If the hair is identified as animal, it needs to be determined what kind of animal it is and what color the animal is. If the evidence is a fiber it needs to be identified as to what type of fiber it could be. Ex: wool, cotton, rayon, polyester, etc. it also needs to be determined whether or not it could is dyed. Hairs and fibers can be used to prove that a person was at a scene at some point in time. If fibers are found on a chair, it can be proved that a person wearing that fiber was sitting in that chair.
A microscope slide showing a human hair above and a horse hair below.
horse hair

1 comment:

  1. This is very good, but maybe the font size should be bigger.
