Forensic Science!

This blog is all about forensics. Everything from fingerprinting to drug analysis. This is displayed for a project, and should be accurate, if not, let me know and I will fix it. Hope this is of some use to you. (:

Sunday, December 4, 2011


There are two main types of arches: plain arches and tented arches. In arch fingerprints, ridges run from one side of the fingerprint to the other, without turning backwards. Plain arches move smoothly from one side of the print to the other, without any significant peaks; although they may have a wave like motion in the center. Tented arches also move smoothly from one side to the other without any back tracking; but in tented arches, there is a significant peak in the middle.
plain arches                   tented arches

1 comment:

  1. I think it's really great that you split up the different print types and were so informative about each.
