Forensic Science!

This blog is all about forensics. Everything from fingerprinting to drug analysis. This is displayed for a project, and should be accurate, if not, let me know and I will fix it. Hope this is of some use to you. (:

Sunday, December 4, 2011


There are four main types of whorls: plain whorl, central pocket whorl, double loop whorl, and accidental whorl. A plain whorl has at least one ridge that makes a complete circle in the center. A central pocket whorl has at least one ridge that makes an oval, spiral, or any other variant of a circle. Double loop whorls have an “S” shape somewhere on the print. An accidental whorl consists of two separate patterns, excluding the plain arch, that do not match any other definition of a fingerprint pattern.
plain whorl                                    central pocket loop whorl              double loop whorl                     

accidental whorl

1 comment:

  1. I honestly think it would be a whole lot easier to take all your fingerprinting components and put them in one blog.
