Forensic Science!

This blog is all about forensics. Everything from fingerprinting to drug analysis. This is displayed for a project, and should be accurate, if not, let me know and I will fix it. Hope this is of some use to you. (:

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Fingerprinting Lab

We used the t-zone of our face to put oils onto our thumbs. The t-zone is the oiliest part of your face, so it makes the print more visible when powder is added. We placed it on a the table and used powder to try to make the print visible so we can lift it. We then took a piece of clear tape and lifted the print and placed it on a piece of paper. Mine did not work very well. The powder should have been finer to stick to the print better.


  1. This is good and descriptive, although more of a step by step and pictures would be helpful.

  2. A picture or two would have been a great addition. Maybe give a bit more info as well?

  3. This is good and to the point, but I think adding a few pictures would really add some depth to it.
